Kindergarten Terms & Conditions

To enable us to provide and maintain the highest standards of care we require all parents to be aware of, and abide by, the following conditions.

1. The Kindergarten

a. Nurture Outdoor Kindergarten is a registered limited company – Nature Nurtures Early Years CIC. The Kindergarten holds views on early childhood being a time not for competition but for personal growth and development. The Kindergarten places great emphasis on respect; this being at the heart of everything that happens at Kindergarten. The Kindergarten is a member of the Pikler Association and the Directors have attended RIE (Resources for Infant Educarers) training in Los Angeles and London.

b. The Directors: hold overall responsibility for the company and have appointed a Manager.

c. The Manager / Senior Practitioner: is the person appointed by the Directors to be responsible for the children and includes those to whom any of the duties of the Manager or the Kindergarten have been responsibly delegated.

d. The Parents: are those persons who have legal responsibility for the child. Parents are expected to give their support and encouragement to the aims of the Kindergarten and uphold its good name.

e. Our Aims: The aims of the Kindergarten are described on the Website and in the Parent Handbook. We are committed to high standards of care and we welcome parent contact. The Kindergarten is a private self-regulating community, which respects the human rights of children and their parents, who in turn accept and agree to the Kindergarten’s policies and procedures, routines and rules.

f. Changes at the Kindergarten: A successful preschool must initiate and respond to change. The offer of a place and its acceptance are given on the basis that, in the interests of the Kindergarten as a whole, reasonable changes may be made from time to time to these standard terms and conditions, to the size and location of the Kindergarten, to its premises and facilities, to the arrangements for lunches, to the curriculum and the structure and composition of key groups and the way the Kindergarten is run, to the rules and routines, to the length of the school terms and the Kindergarten day and to any other aspect of the Kindergarten. Fee levels will be reviewed each year.

g. The Standard Terms and Conditions: We believe these standard terms and conditions reflect the custom and practice of private nursery schools. The rules about notice and payment of fees are designed to promote stability, assist forward planning and the proper resourcing of the kindergarten. Nothing within these terms and conditions affects the parent / carer’s statutory rights.

2. Care, Health and Welfare

a. We will do all that is reasonable to safeguard and promote your child’s welfare and to provide pastoral care to at least the standard required by law but aiming for a much higher standard. We will respect your child’s human rights and freedoms which must however, be balanced with the lawful needs and rules of our kindergarten and rights and freedoms of others.

b. Parents give their consent to such physical contact as may accord with good practice, and be appropriate and proper for supporting the learning and development of children, and for providing comfort to a child in distress, or to maintain safety and good order, or in connection with the child’s health and welfare.

c. Parents of children who are not potty trained must provide disposable nappies, wipes, appropriate creams when necessary, and scented bags.

d. If your child becomes ill during a kindergarten session the kindergarten manager will contact the parent/carer or the emergency contact indicated on the registration form. Parents must inform the kindergarten immediately of any changes to these contact details.

e. If your child is suffering from a communicable illness your child should not be brought to kindergarten until such time as the infection has cleared. A full copy of the company’s infection control policy is available from the kindergarten manager.

f. Parents/carers are required to notify the kindergarten manager if your child is absent from the kindergarten through sickness.

g. Any child who has been sent home from the kindergarten because of ill health will not be re-admitted for at least 24 hours. If a child is prescribed antibiotics they will not be allowed to return to the kindergarten for 48 hours.

h. We reserve the right to call an ambulance in an emergency and escort your child to the emergency department of the nearest hospital. Any decisions regarding the child’s welfare will then be made by the emergency department at the hospital.

i. Parents must, as soon as possible, disclose to the kindergarten any known medical condition, health problem or allergy affecting the child, or any family circumstances or court order which might affect the child’s welfare or happiness, or any concerns about the child’s safety.

j. It is your responsibility to inform the kindergarten if your child is not vaccinated in accordance with their age. This information is gathered on the registration forms. If it is considered necessary, information regarding children vaccinated in kindergarten may be shared with other parents, however, individual names will not be given.

3. Admission

a. Children will be considered for entry to the kindergarten when the registration form has been completed and returned to us and a non-refundable registration fee paid. Admissions will be subject to the availability of a place. The Kindergarten operates an equal opportunities policy.

b. A non-refundable registration fee is charged when a place is booked at the Kindergarten. In return, when your child begins their placement, they will receive Nurture Outdoor Kindergarten waterproof dungarees and jacket.

4. Fees

a. Fees are payable in advance. Fees can be paid annually, termly or monthly. Invoices indicate payment instructions and fees must be paid by the date stated. Failure to pay fees on time may result in your child losing their place at Kindergarten.

b. Fees are normally subject to annual review but may be revised at other times with reasonable notice.

c. Extra sessions must be paid for in advance. If you wish to decrease your child’s attendance, we require a month's written notice.

d. Fees are payable during periods of absence from the kindergarten, including sickness and holidays. The kindergarten will be closed on the annual bank holidays.

e. The kindergarten, in line with other nurseries, operates a policy of “minimum sessions.” This aids your child settling into the kindergarten initially and then optimises maximum development from their time in the kindergarten. All children must attend for a minimum of two days per week, or three days per week if accessing funded only sessions.

f. Fees will not be refunded or waived for absence through sickness or any other reason. This rule is necessary so that the kindergarten can properly budget for its own expenditure. No compensation will be paid or refund given if the kindergarten has to be closed due to any reason beyond the control of the kindergarten, such as power failures or weather conditions.

g. Responsibility for payment: Fees are joint and are the responsibility of each person who has signed the Fees & Payments Form or who has legal responsibility for the child or has paid any fees or given instructions in relation to the child.

h. Payment of fees by a third party: An agreement with a third party to pay the fees or any other sum due to the Kindergarten does not release parents from any liability under these terms and conditions. The Kindergarten reserves the right to refuse a payment from a third party. All such payments received are accepted in good faith.

i. Late Payment: the Kindergarten reserves the right to charge 10% of the monthly fee for late payment of fees. Parents shall indemnify the Company against all costs and expenses (including any legal costs and expenses on a full indemnity basis) incurred or sustained by the Company in recovering sums due in each case without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to the Company. Such charges will be recoverable by action if necessary. The contents of clauses 4 and 5 of these terms and conditions are intended to protect those parents who pay fees on time and to safeguard the Kindergarten against consequences of the defaults of others. Should a payment (be that by BACS, cheque or any other means) be returned by the payee’s bank, the Kindergarten reserves the right to charge a £10 administration fee towards the cost of dealing with the collection of the amount outstanding. The Company reserves the right to terminate a child’s place immediately at Kindergarten in the event that fees remain unpaid.

5. Events Requiring Notice in Writing

a. Reducing Attendance: One term’s notice in writing, or payment in lieu of notice, must be given if you wish to withdraw your child from the Kindergarten.

b. Payment in lieu of notice means fees in full for the term of notice at the rate that would have applied had the child attended.

6. Food and Dietary Requirements

a. We will work with parents/carers to provide suitable food for children who have a special dietary requirement as diagnosed by a doctor or dietician. Although all reasonable care will be taken to ensure that a diagnosed child does not come into contact with certain foods, unless a doctor’s note is provided the kindergarten cannot guarantee this.

b. No packed lunches supplied can be heated up.

7. Visits and Outings

a. Nurture Outdoor Kindergarten is committed to working with and alongside the local community. As part of the Top Barn Farm community, the kindergarten may make visits to other areas of Top Barn Farm, including: Green Space (adjacent to Kindergarten), Top Barn Farm Park, Wildgoose Rural Training Centre, Top Barn Farm.

b. Staff will follow Nurture Outdoor Kindergarten’s Visits and Outings Policy and Procedures on such visits.

8. Policies

The Kindergarten policies and documents, which may be updated from time to time, are available on the Kindergarten website, hard copies at Kindergarten, and electronically on Basecamp. They form part of the standard Terms & Conditions. We draw particular attention to the following policies:

  • a. Admissions Policy
  • b. Resting Time Policy
  • c. Nappy Changing and Toileting Policy
  • d. Health and Safety Policy
  • e. Safeguarding Children & Child Protection Policy
  • f. Complaints Policy

In signing the Acceptance of Terms and Conditions you agree to the Kindergarten Policies and Procedures. You accept these as being part of your contractual obligation to the Kindergarten.

9. General Conditions

a. The Company reserves the right to terminate a child’s place at Kindergarten in the event that fees remain unpaid, where any of the terms and conditions are breached, or if termination of a place is considered to be in the best interests of Nurture Outdoor Kindergarten.

b. Start and Finish Times: Nurture Outdoor Kindergarten opens between the hours of 8am to 5.30pm. Parents/carers must inform the kindergarten by 10am if their child is not attending the kindergarten that day, otherwise the staff will assume a problem exists and will make attempts to contact the parents/carers or emergency contacts. If parents/carers are running late they must inform the kindergarten as soon as possible and staff will make arrangements, where possible, to delay the group if they are heading off site, and/or in exceptional circumstances will agree an alternative drop-off point. Children cannot be cared for outside the normal kindergarten hours, therefore Nurture Outdoor Kindergarten reserves the right to charge £15 per child for every 15 minutes late in collection.

c. Communication: Parents are required to share any concerns they may have with the Manager via telephone (01905 748428), email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), post (Nurture Outdoor Kindergarten, Top Barn Business Centre, Worcester Road, Worcester, WR6 6NH) or in person. Parents’ participation in a constructive and effective two-way communication practice is vital to ensure their child’s ongoing positive development.

d. Belongings: The kindergarten does not accept responsibility for accidental damage or loss of property

e. Staff: Where a member of staff, within six months of leaving the employment of the kindergarten, is employed by a parent/carer to care for their child, who was previously registered at the kindergarten, then the parent/carer will be liable to pay the kindergarten a sum equivalent to six months’ salary for the employee.

f. Behaviour: verbal, written, physical, threatening or inappropriate behaviour against any member of staff will result in termination of the contract with Nurture (withdrawal of your child's place at Kindergarten).

g. Insurance: The kindergarten undertakes to maintain those insurances required by law. Details of these are available from the kindergarten manager.

h. Concerns and complaints: Any question, concern or complaint about the care or safety of a child must be made to the Manager. For details of the full policy please refer to our complaints policy.

i. Confidentiality: All information relating to each child will be treated as strictly confidential and can be examined by parents/carers upon written request.

j. Equal opportunity: Staff working at the Kindergarten will value and respect the different racial origins, religions, special needs, cultures and languages so that each child is valued as an individual.

k. Child protection: the Kindergarten has a duty to take reasonable action to ensure the welfare and safety of all children in its care. All staff will receive Child Protection training and will follow the Nurture Outdoor Kindergarten Safeguarding Children & Child Protection policy and procedures.


Holiday Club

These terms and conditions apply to the contract between parents and Nature Nurtures Early Years Limited for the provision of Holiday Club services. These terms and conditions do not apply to other services which Nature Nurtures Early Years Limited makes available. Within this document the following definitions apply:

  • Holiday Club: The generic name for out of school / nursery care services provided by Nature Nurtures Early Years CIC which take place when school is out of session (i.e. during school summer holidays).
  • Manager: The manager with operational and administrative responsibility for the service.
  • Early Years Practitioner: The practitioner with day to day responsibility for the service.
  • Parent: The parent, guardian or carer of a child placed in the care of Holiday Club.

A minimum attendance of two sessions must be booked in advance. Within these limits there is freedom for the parent to select the length of care that they require subject to sufficient space being available. Parents should advise the Manager in writing of intended absences. Where a child does not attend a booked session no reduction of fees will be due.

Children should be brought at the booked time and positively delivered to a member of staff at the Holiday Club check–in. Children are to be collected promptly at the time they are booked till. Where a different person will be collecting the child, the parent must ensure that the Manager is made aware of this beforehand. If a child remains uncollected at the end of the extended day provision the Manager will act in accordance with Kindergarten Policy.

It is required that parents fully advise staff of any additional needs. Where the child needs medicines to be administered the Holiday Club provision has established routines which must be followed by parents and which include the requirement for specific written instructions and for labelling of medicines.

Parents must recognise and accept that while the child is at the Holiday Club the Holiday Club staff may act in loco parentis in the absence of the parent. Where possible the staff will contact the parent at the emergency contact telephone number advised but this will not prevent the Holiday Club staff from taking suitable action in loco parentis.

Holiday Club charges are based on the type and number of sessions booked in each week. A schedule of charges is normally issued with the booking form. Full payment for Holiday Club is due at the time of booking. Holiday Club does not send reminders and reserves the right to cancel bookings and charge the appropriate cancellation fee where necessary. All cancellations must be received in writing, and will be confirmed in writing by the Holiday Club.

If a booking is cancelled by the parent, the following refunds apply. Up to 21 days prior to the booking a full refund will be made. 21 to 14 days prior to the booking 50% of fees will be refunded. 13 days to 1 day prior to the booking 0% of fees will be refunded. Alternatively, any booking may be postponed and redeemed during the same holiday period subject to space being available. The administration charge for each day changed is £5. Nature Nurtures Early Years CIC reserves the right to cancel Holiday Club or its courses, activities and timetabled events at any time. In the event of Holiday Club being cancelled a full refund will be given or a credit issued.

The parent and the child will comply with all rules and regulations of the Holiday Club as may be published from time to time. A list of Holiday Club Policies and Procedures is available on request and the documents may be viewed on the Nurture Outdoor Kindergarten Website or at our venue during Holiday Club dates. Nature Nurtures Early Years CIC reserves the right to refuse or exclude any person at any time prior to or during Holiday Club if in the opinion of the Manager that person is incompatible with the general well being and safe running of Holiday Club. In this instance no refund will be given and any costs incurred including any damage will be passed on to the parent.

Parents not satisfied with the care of a child must inform the Manager in accordance with the Kindergarten Complaints Policy.

Parents must satisfy themselves that the child has the insurance cover required against accident and loss or damage to personal property while attending the Holiday Club. The Holiday Club does not provide or maintain any insurance covers beyond those prescribed by law.

Parents must inform the Manager in writing immediately of any court orders in relation to the child for example as to parental responsibility, residence, contact, prohibited steps, specific issues or periodical payments. It is the responsibility of the parent to inform the Manager immediately and in writing and by a personal visit in case of urgency if the Holiday Club provision is required to give any special precautions for the protection of the child.

Nature Nurtures Early Years CIC reserves the right to cancel any course or activity(s) without notice, and vary from time to time the detail shown on the programme.

By proceeding with a booking, you acknowledge and agree that you accept these Terms and Conditions.